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Portrait of Jazz Pianist Playing

Portrait of Jazz Pianist Playing

Environmental portrait of a jazz pianist playing piano in a late night Colorado bar

Environmental Portrait, Friday Date

Environmental Portrait, Friday Date

Environmental portrait of a young couple on a date, enjoying drinks and appetizers beside a fire, in a hilltop restaurant in Colorado

Environmental Portrait, Sax Player

Environmental Portrait, Sax Player

Environmental portrait of a saxophone player practicing his songs in an alcove in New York City's Central Park

Environmental Portrait, Young Exec

Environmental Portrait, Young Exec

Formal black and white environmental portrait of a young executive in her corporate office

Environmental Portrait Hotel Gen Mgr

Environmental Portrait Hotel Gen Mgr

Environmental portrait of a distinguished hotel general manager, sitting at his desk in the office he held for 38, memorable years

Environmental Portrait, Mtn Woman

Environmental Portrait, Mtn Woman

Photographic portrait of a mountain woman in winter, with the snowy Rocky Mountains rising behind her in the distance

Environmental Portrait, Fire Chief

Environmental Portrait, Fire Chief

Environmental portrait of a Colorado Fire Chief posing in front of the gauges of one of his firetrucks

Portrait of Colorado Snow Skier

Portrait of Colorado Snow Skier

Environmental portrait of a happy Colorado skier with the sunny, snow-capped Colorado Rockies rising behind him

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Cowboy

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Cowboy

Photographic portrait of a young Colorado actor posing as a cowboy, with the snowy Colorado Rockies rising behind in the distance

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Bad Boy

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Bad Boy

Environmental portrait of a young Colorado actor posing as a bad boy on a motorcycle

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Golf Pro

Portrait of Colorado Actor, Golf Pro

Environmental photographic portrait of a young Colorado actor posing as a golf pro, sighting a put on green on a sunny afternoon



Portait, Beautiful Woman &Terrier

Portait, Beautiful Woman &Terrier

Photographic portrait of a beautiful woman cheek to cheek with her loving terrier

Portrait, River Sunrise Reader

Portrait, River Sunrise Reader

Environmental portrait of a woman reading a book and enjoying her morning coffee beside a river at sunrise, on a cool winter morning

Portrait of Good Brothers

Portrait of Good Brothers

Location portrait of two well-dressed brothers, standing shoulder to shoulder in a park, on a winter day in Colorado

Informal Executive Portrait

Informal Executive Portrait

Informal environmental portrait of an executive in a forested park, relaxed, happy and smiling

Portrait of Massage Therapists

Portrait of Massage Therapists

Head and shoulders portrait of professional massage therapists with the snowy Colorado Rocky Mountains rising behind them in the distance

Studio Portrait, Mother & Daughter

Studio Portrait, Mother & Daughter

Studio portrait of loving mother and daughter, sitting side by side in comfort with glowing smiles

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 1

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 1

Head and shoulders studio portrait of a Colorado Fireman

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 2

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 2

Head and shoulders studio portrait of a Colorado Firewoman

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 3

Studio Portrait, Fire Fighter 3

Head and shoulders studio portrait of a Colorado Fireman in formal dress

Portrait of 100 Year Old Poet Musing

Portrait of 100 Year Old Poet Musing

Environmental portrait of a 100 year old poet with pen hand, musing reminiscently at her kitchen table

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